Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finding Meaning in Modern Life - Part 2

By Roberto Blanco, M.D.
Last month, I wrote about Viktor Frankl’s book “Man’s Search For Meaning” and how some of the principles in his book could be applied to modern life. In response to the blog, one of the readers, Mukesh Samani, asked what it was in Dr. Frankl’s book that touched me the most. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Samani for his question and to respond.

What touched me the most from Dr. Frankl’s work was his motivation to live, share his experience, and teach something positive. As a psychiatrist during a time when any type of self-revelation was taboo and frowned upon, he showed great courage in revealing some of the darkest, innermost details of his life to the entire world. He did this so others could learn from his experience.

As a Psychiatrist, I work with many people who may be down on their luck or are the victims of unfortunate situations. Like Dr. Frankl, the ones who are able to discuss their situation, find some meaning from it, and continue to move forward, generally do the best.

Mr. Samani also asked what is special or specific in Dr. Frankl’s model of psychotherapy known as Logotherapy. Mr. Samani, I would refer you back to Dr. Frankl’s book which has a nice summary on Logotherapy. I am not an expert on Logotherapy. However, in short, it is a therapy which focuses on man’s desire to find meaning as the main motivating force in life.

I see following role models, like Dr. Frankl, as a way to find meaning in life. Looking back on your own life, is it clear which people affected you the most in positive ways? What was it about these people that moved or affected you? Did they have some special characteristic that set them apart from others or allowed them to connect with you? If so, finding out what that is and trying to reproduce it with others can give your life more meaning.

I have a lot of admiration for Dr. Frankl’s work and I appreciate the comment from “Mary” about a new documentary coming out on his life titled “Viktor and I.” I’ll be interested to see how he used his experiences in his professional life and what he was like on a personal level from the perspective of his close friends, family and colleagues. Thank you for your comments and questions.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, for further information on the documentary, sign up for updates:


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